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Autoencoding low-resolution MRI for semantically smooth interpolation of anisotropic MRI


GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE file or for full text)

Copyright 2022, Amsterdam UMC location University of Amsterdam, Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Journal publication


Train models

Train model on ACDC dataset (cardiac cine MRI)

The model is trained with 4D CMRIs of 70 patients as described in journal article.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset=ACDC --model=ae_combined --batch_size=12 --test_batch_size=16 --latent=128 --downsample_steps=2 --epochs=900 --aug_patch_size=160 --epoch_threshold=500 --exper_id mse_perc_p32_l128_ex01 --ex_loss_weight1=0.05 --output_dir=<output_dir>

Note: Replace <output_dir> with designated output directory of the experiment.

Neonatal brain MRI (dHCP dataset)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset=dHCP --model=ae_combined --batch_size=8 --test_batch_size=32 --latent=128 --latent_width=64 --width=256 --exper_id=pool2_w256_l128_w001_ex01 --downsample_steps=4 --epochs=750 --ex_loss_weight1=0.001 --epoch_threshold=100

Note: For journal article we trained on neonatal brain MRIs with different synthetic anisotropy ([1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]mm). The original OASIS MRIs have isotropic resolution of 0.5mm. We generated synthetic volumes with low through-plane resolution by forehand (as decribed in journal article) To load the correct low-resolution images, you need to specify parameter --downsample_steps using the values [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] for the different resolutions.

Note: Important parameter ex_loss_weight1 specifies hyper-parameter lambda (see journal Eq. 3), to balance reconstruction and synthesis loss.

Note: Synthetic low-resolution volumes can be re-created (if needed) with function create_dataset in

Adult brain MRI (OASIS dataset)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset=OASIS --model=ae_combined --batch_size=16 --test_batch_size=32 --latent=128 --latent_width=16 --width=64 --exper_id=mse_perc_pool2_w64_l128_4mm_w001_ex01 --downsample_steps=4 --epochs=1500 --aug_patch_size=220 --ex_loss_weight1=0.001

Note: For journal article we trained on adult brain MRIs with different synthetic anisotropy ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]mm). The original OASIS MRIs have isotropic resolution of 1mm. We generated synthetic volumes with low through-plane resolution by forehand (as decribed in journal article) To load the correct low-resolution images, you need to specify parameter --downsample_steps using the values [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] for the different resolutions.

Note: Synthetic low-resolution volumes can be re-created (if needed) with function create_lr_dataset in

Find best performing model on validation set

During training model weights (and optimizer state) are saved at the end of each epoch (in output_dir/models). To determine the best performing (saved) model on the validation set, we evaluate all saved models on the validation set. Run the following commands assuming that ~/expers/sr/ACDC/ae_combined/mse_perc_p32_l128_ex01 contains all experimental files generated during training.

export PYTHONPATH=~/repo/SuperResolution_aniso_MRI/ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python evaluate/ --exper_dir=~/expers/sr/ACDC/ae_combined/mse_perc_p32_l128_ex01 --epoch_range 500 900 --eval_patch_size=128 --eval_axis=0 --dataset ACDC

Evaluation computes metrics (SSIM, PSNR, VIF) for (a) reconstructed (b) synthesized images and (c) for all images (reconstructed + synthesized). Because reconstructed images are irrelevant (we only care about the quality of the synthesized images), the model with the best metrics on the synthesized images should be chosen.

Use best performing model to super-resolve anisotropic MRI volumes

  1. exper_dir: absolute path to experiment folder (contains settings.yaml and models directory)
  2. save: if specified save high-resolution images to output_dir.
  3. data_input_dir: directory that contains the low-resolution MRIs to process
  4. model_nbr: integer actually specifying the epoch (the model was saved, also see previous step)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --exper_dir <exper_dir> --save --output_dir <output_dir> --data_input_dir <data_input_dir> --model_nbr <epoch_nbr>

Evaluate model

Evaluate model trained on cardiac MRI (ACDC)

To evaluate model on ACDC test set use ipython notebook notebooks/evaluate_cardiac.ipynb

  1. Run the two cells below heading Generate ACDC volumes with Autoencoder approach

  2. In the second cell replace: (a) exper_src_path with directory of the experiment (b) model_nbr with the best performing epoch model (see previous step)

  3. Furthermore, make sure the following parameters are set correctly:

    • output_dir = <output_dir> (replace)
    • resample = True (Autoencoder was trained with 1.4x1.4mm in-plane. Setting to True will make sure volume will be resampled to original resolution)
    • eval_axis = 0
    • do_save = True
    • eval_patch_size = 224
    • generate_inbetween_slices = True
    • use_original_slice = False
    • downsample_steps = 2

Evaluate model trained on neonatal brain MRI (dHCP) and adult brain MRI (OASIS)

To evaluate model on dHCP and OASIS test set use ipython notebook notebooks/evaluate_brain.ipynb

  1. Run the two cells below heading Generate volumes with Autoencoder approach

  2. In the second cell replace: (a) exper_src_path with directory of the experiment (b) model_nbr with the best performing epoch model (see previous step)

  3. Furthermore, make sure the following parameters are set correctly:

    • dataset = 'dHCP' (valid values ['dHCP', 'OASIS'])
    • pat_list = None (if set to None evaluation will use test sets of both datasets)
    • output_dir = <output_dir> (replace)
    • eval_axis = 0
    • save_volumes = True
    • generate_inbetween_slices = True
    • use_original_slice = False
    • downsample_steps = <int> (set to myargs['downsample_steps'] as specified in notebook)


Autoencoding of low-resolution MRI for Super-Resolution of anisotropic MRI







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